Cervikogen hodepine
Cervikogen hodepine har opphav i feilfunksjoner i nakken, og er som følge et symptom på denne tilstanden. Det kan gjerne komme etter en skade i nakken, eller en episode med nakkesmerter
Symptomer ved cervikogen hodepine
Smerten ved cervikogen hodepine kan oppleves som ensidig med stråling ut mot øyet eller tinningen. Tilstanden forverres gjerne av enkelte nakkebevegelser eller ved å holde nakken for lenge i en eller annen stilling . Pasienten har ofte begrenset bevegelighet og nakkesmerter. I tillegg kan musklene i nakken føles stive og ømme.

Cervikogen hodepine rammer mange og svarer godt på behandling
Behandling av cervikogen hodepine
Reseptfrie smertelindrende medikamenter har ikke mye effekt mot denne type hodepine. Det er derfor behandling hos kiropraktor er et godt alternativ.
En kiropraktor behandler cervikogen hodepine ved hjelp av manipulasjon av ryggsøylen. Mange pasienter opplever tydelig forbedring etter denne type behandling.
Din Helse Bjølsen er en klinikk som tilbyr fysioterapi, kiropraktikk, dry needling osteopati og trykkbølgebehandling. Behandlerne hos oss er primærkontakter og duu trenger derfor ingen henvisning. Vi har selvstendig behandleransvar på lik linje med tannleger og leger. Du vil få diagnose stilt av kiropraktoren. Røntgen eller MR undersøkelser vil bli vurdert og henvist til av kiropraktor ved behov. Du kan også bli sykemeldt av din kiropraktor-samt henvist til kirurgi eller annen spesialist hvis nødvendig.
Vi har lagt opp praksisen slik at ikke har venterlister på noen behandlinger. Klinikken er helprivat, og har avtale med alle forsikringsselskap.
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Effects of thoracic kyphosis and forward head posture on cervical range of motion in older adults
cervical range-of-motion (ROM) in patients with cervical spine dysfunction. The purpose of
this study was to explore the mediating effects of forward head posture (FHP) on the …
[PDF] Ehlers-danlos syndrome, hypermobility type: an underdiagnosed hereditary connective tissue disorder with mucocutaneous, articular, and systemic …
perhaps, corresponding to the joint hypermobility syndrome (JHS/EDS-HT), is likely the most
common, though the least recognized, heritable connective tissue disorder. Known for …
Re‐writing the natural history of pain and related symptoms in the joint hypermobility syndrome/Ehlers–Danlos syndrome, hypermobility type
HT) are two clinically overlapping connective tissue disorders characterized by
chronic/recurrent pain, joint instability complications, and minor skin changes. Fatigue and …
Normal kinematics of the upper cervical spine during the flexion–rotation test–In vivo measurements using magnetic resonance imaging
However, there is no in vivo measurement investigating the validity of the FRT. The purpose
of this study was 1) to examine measurement reliability of segmental upper cervical …
[HTML] Comparative analysis and diagnostic accuracy of the cervical flexion–rotation test
between subjects with probable cervicogenic headache (CGH), migraine without aura
(Migraine), and multiple headache forms (MHF). An additional aim was to identify the …
Reliability of manual examination and frequency of symptomatic cervical motion segment dysfunction in cervicogenic headache
that each or multiple segments in the upper cervical spine above the C4 vertebra were the
dominant source of pain in subjects with cervicogenic headache (CGH). Eighty subjects …
Evidence for the use of dry needling and physiotherapy in the management of cervicogenic or tension-type headache: a systematic review
management of some forms of headache. Dry needling of myofascial trigger points is
becoming an increasingly common approach despite a paucity of research evidence …
Physical examination tests for screening and diagnosis of cervicogenic headache: a systematic review
subjective examination and a detailed physical examination of the cervical spine.
Cervicogenic headache (CGH) is a form of headache that involves referred pain from the …
Long-term stability and minimal detectable change of the cervical flexion-rotation test
determine the long-term stability and minimal detectable change (MDC) of the flexion-
rotation test (FRT) measurements over days in subjects with cervicogenic headache (CGH) …